Mood: not sure
Now Playing: Kosheen - Harder
Topic: life
I can't seem to escape being lonely and all of my regret. I regret my actions in my last, when I was away, I would avoid calling Sarah. The voice in the back of my head justifies it as, "She was just full of drama though. No one can take that much continual drama." ...As common sense as that is, I still regret that unkindness. When I left for that summer, she stayed in her room alone, in a ball, crying. Obviously, she had some major detachment issues. But, I should have known better. I loved her, still do, always will, just as I will always love Glennis, and Casey. I will always love. The problem do I move on? How do I take one stage of grief at a time? How do I stop grieving? I want to be done with this shit.
Posted by coffeemancer
at 7:25 PM CDT